Google Admob Pay Rate 2013
Google Admob Pay Rate 2013

- $0.04/1000 Adviews standard price rate
- 0.11/ 1000 Adviews premium admob CPM pay rate
- $100 Minimum Spent
- 99 cents US iPhone users
Possible Advertiser Equation on admob cpc average calculation payment rate graph,
Some Publishers and Developers ask this?
Google Admob click through rate, how many impression to earn 1 cent?SiteAdWiki Conclude that every 600 impression made from your site equivalent of 1 cent, based on siteadwiki study.
About Admob,
AdMob is cpm mobile advertising company owned by Google which lets developers monetize their applications by "renting" screen real-estate to display ads. AdMob is one of the world's largest mobile advertising platforms and claims to serve more than 40 billion mobile banner and text ads per month.Google Admob calculation country pay rate, South Korea-24 clicks = 7 cents Malaysia - 11 cents/click Japan - 2 clicks 0 cents.


You must know this?
Google Admob Pay Rate 2013
Reviewed by Fiona Queen Galvez
12:10:00 AM

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